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The Propogand Activities of Tarsus Newspaper as a Local Press Organization in the First Years of the Republic (23 June 1925-22 March 1926)
Press and political governance are two institutions that interact with each other and have responsibilities towards each other. The administration, which maintains the order of the social sphere and directs the developments in this sphere in line with its own will, conveys its opinions on this issue to the public through the press. At the same time, the press has undertaken tasks such as overseeing political governance, informing and educating the public. The desire of people to understand the world they live in and to develop their thoughts in this direction has increased the interest in the press. After the great victory of the Turkish army, the press had a special place in the movement to reach the level of contemporary civilization under the leadership of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha. Ataturk was aware that the most effective means of contacting the public and conveying ideas was the press. Turkey was determined in conjunction with the announcement of a new political leadership of the Republic of the Ottoman Empire collapsed. The adoption of this new administration by the Turkish Nation, which has been ruled by monarchy for centuries, emerged as one of the important aims of the state. Both national and local newspapers published in Turkey undertook important tasks as described in ring shape and features of this new administration. Tarsus newspaper, which was published in Mersin, was an important spokesperson of the government in the provinces during the first years of the Republic. The newspaper was used as an important propaganda tool with its news in the fields of administration, administration, education and economy. At the same time, he tried to draw the attention of the managers by reporting the social problems of the people who met the new administration. In this study, certain news in the newspaper were discussed and the publication policy of the newspaper in the date range we examined was tried to be put forward. The main source of the article is Tarsus Newspaper.

Tarsus Newspaper, Social Life, Education, Economy, Republic

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Formerly Karabuk University
Journal of Institute of Social Sciences between 2013-2020
(ISSN: 1309-436X eISSN:2147-7841))

Adress :Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Phone :0370 418 86 00 Fax :0 370 418 83 33
Email :nturker@karabuk.edu.tr

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