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Author Guidelines


1. JoHUT (Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research) is an open access, peer-reviewed, scientific journal published quarterly; in March, June, September and December. Special issues and additional issues can be published apart from these numbers.

2. Original articles in the field of humanities (Business, Tourism, Cultural Studies, History, History of Art, Geography, Sociology, etc.) are published in the journal. Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research do not charge authors any fee for submitting and publishing their manuscripts.

3. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. Articles produced from dissertations or conference papers should be indicated in the text with an explanatory note.

4. Articles submitted to the journal can be written in Turkish and / or American English. The final responsibility of the articles regarding the published content and the language rests with the authors.

5. Manuscpript is to be submitted online via johut.karabuk.edu.tr. The submission, acceptance, follow-up and review process of the articles are carried out through the web page of the journal. Uploading the manuscripts to the journal system is accepted as an application for the publication of the article and the review process is initiated.

6. Studies uploaded to the system are sent to two reviewers after the editor / assistant editor has checked the compliance with the publication and writing rules and the editor's approval is completed. By the approval of the editor two reviewers are appointed. The manuscripts are published with the decision of the Editorial Board after they have been examined by two reviewers and given a positive report. If one of the reviewers' report is negative, the manuscript is sent to the third reviewer. 1. The corrections requested by the reviewers are made by the author (s) within 30 days, re-uploaded to the journal system and the manuscript is considered for the review process again.

7. All articles submitted for publication are reviewed using a double-blind peer review. To facilitate this, authors need to ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity.

8. The status of the article can be followed on the journal's website.

9. The name or any information deciphering the identity of the author should not be written in the manuscripts. After the review process of the article is completed, the information about the author or authors will be added to the article by the editor.

10. The articles to must comply with the spelling and grammar rules. The Editorial Board has the right to request changes from the author/s in terms of content and form, if deemed necessary.

11. All copyrights of the articles belong to the journal. No fees are charged to the authors for reviewing or publication.

12. Authors who will publish in JoHUT are required to cite (at least one reference) to articles previously published in the journal. In this way, both the articles published in the journal will be cited and the author himself will be referred to in the following issues.

13. Authors are required to make a "plagiarism" scan (iThenticate or Turnitin program can be used) for the articles submitted to the journal and add the report obtained from the scan to the last page of their article. The similarity rate of the articles submitted to the journal should not exceed 20%, including bibliography. In case of similarity exceeding 20%, the article may be evaluated as weak in terms of originality and rejected.

14. When registering to JoHUT as an author or reviewer, all information requested must be filled in completely. The work and interests of the author / reviewer should be listed in the CV title. In the title of the department, first the department and then the branch of science should be written. For example: Business / Management and Organization; Tourism / Tourism marketing.

15. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program. Article sections are ordered as follows:

- Turkish Title

- Turkish Abstract (consisting of 150-200 words)

- Keywords (3-5 words)

- English Title

- Abstract in English (consisting of 150-200 words)

- Keywords (3-5 words)

- Introduction

- Literature

- Method (The purpose of the research, the model of the research, the population and the sample, the measurement tool, the statistical analysis should be indicated)

- Results

- Conclusion and Discussion

- References

- Appendices, if any

16. Articles should be arranged according to the following dimensions

Page layout

Paper Size A4 Vertical
Top, Bottom, Left   and Right Margins 2 cm
Font Palatino Linotype
Font Style Regular
Font Size (regular text) 11 point
Font Size (footnote text) 9 point
Paragraph Spacing Before 6 pt - After 6 pt
Paragraph Indent 1 cm
Line spacing Single

17. Tables, graphs and figures should be given with a number and a defining title. The title of table should be placed above the table; caption of figure should be placed beneath the figure

18. Page numbers should not be given in the articles.

19. APA7 (American Psychological Association) reference style should be used for in-text citation and references list. For reference examples please check https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdf

20. Sample article should be taken into consideration in editing the text. Author(s) information (name, institution, ORCID ID, etc.) should not written in the file.


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Formerly Karabuk University
Journal of Institute of Social Sciences between 2013-2020
(ISSN: 1309-436X eISSN:2147-7841))

Adress :Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Phone :0370 418 86 00 Fax :0 370 418 83 33
Email :nturker@karabuk.edu.tr

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