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The “Matla” Telling Tradition in Classical Turkish Literature and a New Copy of Hâşîmî's Matlas
In addition to using “matla” as a form of verse in classical Turkish literature, Defterdâr-zâde Ahmed Cemâlî, one of the poets of the 16th century, started the tradition of singing “matla” consciously and regularly. Representing a style in which social life is the subject, witty and natural style is preferred, and proverbial and aphorism expressions are frequently used. This tradition has at least six representatives, including Cemâlî, according to our findings today. After Cemâlî, who owns 1100 matlas; it has been determined that Rüşdî has 403, Fennî has 366, Hâşimî has 334, Himmet-zâde Abdî has 253 and Subhî-zâde Feyzî has 133 matlas, and except for Rüşdî, these poets refer to Cemâlî. Renowned poet Hâşimî, who is famous for his 17th century history and riddle verse, is also one of those who follow Cemâlî's in terms of singing matla. Two master's theses have been prepared on the divan, in which the poems of Hâşimî are collected, and we know that there are many copies. In these theses, a very brief evaluation of Hâşimî's matlas was made, and their texts were given. However, in the section titled Metâli‘-i Hâşimî-i Burûsevî, which is located between 150b-153b leaves of a poem magazine registered in 06 Milli Yz FB 533/3 in the Ankara National Library Manuscripts Collection, there are matlas that have not been published before. In this study, the other representatives of the matla way that is represented by Cemâlî are introduced, and the most extensive text examination on the issue of Metâli‘-i Hâşimî is made by evaluating the new copy of Hâşimî's matlas.

Matla‘, Cemâlî, Hâşimî.

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    Yeni İndeks

    Dergimiz Haziran 2021'den (Cilt 11, Sayı 2) itibaren EBSCO (Sosyal Bilimler Ululslararası indeksi) tarafından indekslenmeye başlanmıştır.

    Haziran 2024 Sayısı

    Dergimizin Haziran 2024 Sayısı (Cilt: 14, Sayı:2) yayınlanmıştır. Tüm hakem ve yazarlarımıza katkıları için teşekkür ederiz.

Derginin Yeni Adı (2020 yılı 10. ciltten itibaren)
Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Derginin Eski Adı
Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (2010-2020)
ISSN: 1309-436X eISSN:2147-7841 (2013-2020)

Adres :Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Telefon :0370 418 86 00 Faks :0 370 418 83 33
Eposta :nturker@karabuk.edu.tr

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