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Social Media Methods Used in Modern Teaching: A Case of Andrei Saguna University, Romania
(Social Media Methods Used in Modern Teaching: A Case of Andrei Saguna University, Romania )

Author : Stefan Georgescu   - Cristina Gelan - Mihaela Munteanu - Tanase Tasente - Tabriz Garayev  
Type : Copyright
Printing Year : 2014
Number : 4-1
Page : 13-19


Anahtar Kelimeler

This paper aims to highlight the importance of using and managing modern tools of teaching and learning, aiming at how students interact with these tools in the educational process. The relationship between educational process developed at the University "Andrei Şaguna" in Constanta (Romania) and the current size of the media industry is directly proportional to the rapid and continuous development of New Media. In this respect, this study will highlight, on one hand, a description of the methods seeking development of the skills needed throughout a professional elite career, and on the other hand, how these skills meet the current market requirements where students will work.

Media industry, new media, education process, university, methods.

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Formerly Karabuk University
Journal of Institute of Social Sciences between 2013-2020
(ISSN: 1309-436X eISSN:2147-7841))

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