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Usage of Hidden Advertisments as a Marketing Strategy in Reality Shows: A Study Based On “Gerçek Kesit”
By the improvements of human being and mass communication tools, the percentage of the producers’ aim of persuasion of consumers have been decreasing. It can be said that consumers are resistant to the advertisements. When we think that an average consumer faces about 200 ad. messages in a day, we can understand how hard to communicate with them via advertisements. Because of that, advertising sector has tried some other methods such as guerilla marketing, transit advertising tactics and sales room applications etc. in order to be accepted by the consumers One of these methods is called as the hidden ad. applications. In this study, it is attempted to find out how and how often these hidden ads. are used in reality shows and in the case of Gerçek Kesit programme within the research method of narrative film analysis. In this study, while finding out the format and the basic characteristics of the program and the shooting angles, it is aimed to examine how, when, where and how long the hidden advertisements are used in this program. As a result, it is find out that that hidden advertisements are used in all episodes of the program and these advertisements have a relation with the episodes.

Hidden Advertisements, Reality shows, Gerçek Kesit

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Formerly Karabuk University
Journal of Institute of Social Sciences between 2013-2020
(ISSN: 1309-436X eISSN:2147-7841))

Adress :Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Phone :0370 418 86 00 Fax :0 370 418 83 33
Email :nturker@karabuk.edu.tr

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