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About the Architectural Terms of Tezkiretu’l-Bunyan
In this study, the architectural terms of Tezkiretü'l-Bünyan, which was written in the 16th century, both the meanings of the words and their use in the couplets were shown. The architectural terms of Tezkiretü'l-Bünyanda which consists of the conversations of Mimar Sinan and Sâi Mustafa Çelebi have been made and it has been listed in alphabetical order. We started to work by understanding the meanings of all words on the Tebdiz system. Then we identified the architectural terms among the concepts/terms that we understand. Then, the method we chose when we put the concepts/terms of architecture into our article; first we made explanations of concepts/terms and then showed the usage areas of words in the couplet. In addition, ( ) the meaning of the term used in the concept/terms are indicated by numbers.

Tezkiretü'l- Bünyan, Architecture, Concept/Term.

Gelişmiş Arama


    Yeni İndeks

    Dergimiz Haziran 2021'den (Cilt 11, Sayı 2) itibaren EBSCO (Sosyal Bilimler Ululslararası indeksi) tarafından indekslenmeye başlanmıştır.

    Aralık 2023 Sayısı

    Dergimizin Aralık 2023 Sayısı (Cilt: 13, Sayı:4) yayınlanmıştır. Tüm hakem ve yazarlarımıza katkıları için teşekkür ederiz.

Derginin Yeni Adı (2020 yılı 10. ciltten itibaren)
Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Derginin Eski Adı
Karabük Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (2010-2020)
ISSN: 1309-436X eISSN:2147-7841 (2013-2020)

Adres :Journal of Humanities and Tourism Research
Telefon :0370 418 86 00 Faks :0 370 418 83 33
Eposta :nturker@karabuk.edu.tr

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